Undergraduate Research Programme
We run a number of undergraduate projects each year, offering opportunities to get involved in the research that we conduct (as well as contributing towards the requirements of the Natural Sciences Tripos). From time to time long-vacation undergraduate research placements are also available. Please contact one of the members of staff for more information, or if you have an idea for a particular research project. The most up-to-date information can be found via the department's centralised project allocation processes, but a selection of potential Part II and Part III projects can be found here
Part III experimental projects
Each year we offer several experimental projects to Part III students. These are organised at the start of the academic year, with the bulk of research being performed during the Lent term (between Christmas and Easter). Projects are a mix of current research themes and novel related experiments.
Part II Literature reviews
Each year we offer a number of literature reviews to students in their third year of undergraduate study. We aim to offer an exciting, eclectic mix of research projects, usually with at least a loose connection to our recent research interests.
Summer Placement Scheme
From time to time we are able to offer short placements to summer students; please contact a member of staff if you are interested.
Graduate Research Opportunities
There are a range of graduate research opportunities to study for PhD or MPhil degrees. Funding is usually provided by group research projects or research council scholarships (through the department), although other scholarship opportunities also exist (Gates, Churchill, Oppenheimer, etc.).
A list of potential research projects can be found here, and the Physics department's graduate admissions page has more information regarding admissions procedures.
Please email David Williamson or James Perry for more information.
Postdoctoral & Other Vacancies
Depending on funding, from time to time other opportunities may arise for non-student positions within the group. When these arise the details will be posted here. We are particularly keen to support independent researchers and fellowship applications - please get in touch with us to discuss how to put in applications. Alternatively, if you have a source of funding and would like to work with us, then do get in touch.
Please email David Williamson for more information.