Nano-indentation hardness and strain hardening of silicon, sodium chloride and tungsten crystals
Exper. Mech. 62 (2022) 359-364 doi: 10.1007/s11340-021-00777-8
Armstrong, R.W., Elban, W.L. & Walley, S.M.
Structure-property relationships for multi-component crystals of nitropyrazoles
In: “Proc. 24th Seminar of the New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials” edited by J. Pachmán & J. Selesovsky, publ. Pardubice, Czech Republic, University of Pardubice pp. 8-18 (2022)
Atceken, N., Hemingway, J., Morrison, C.A., Christopher, I.L., Williamson, D.M. & Pulham, C.R.
Comparison of dynamic properties of AM and wrought Ti6Al4V
In: “Dynamic Behaviour of Additively Manufactured Structures & Materials” edited by G.C. Ganzenmüller, publ. Freiburg, Germany, Albert-Ludwigs University pp. 63-67 (2022)
Church, P., Perry, J. & Price, H.
Development of capacitive sensors for the study of detonation
In: “Proc. 24th Seminar of the New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials” edited by J. Pachmán & J. Selesovsky, publ. Pardubice, Czech Republic, University of Pardubice pp. 41-50 (2022)
Edgeley, J. & Braithwaite, C.
Time-temperature superposition applied to PBX damage evolution
In: “Proc. 24th Seminar of the New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials” edited by J. Pachmán & J. Selesovsky, publ. Pardubice, Czech Republic, University of Pardubice pp. 83-90 (2022)
Heal, K. & Williamson, D.M.
Tailoring the properties of FOX-7 using co-crystallization
In: “Proc. 24th Seminar of the New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials” edited by J. Pachmán & J. Selesovsky, publ. Pardubice, Czech Republic, University of Pardubice pp. 105-109 (2022)
Khumsri, A., Kennedy, S.R., Nichol, G.S., Williamson, D.M. & Pulham, C.R.
Additive manufacture of energetic materials: Assessing the printability of energetic composites
In: “Proc. 24th Seminar of the New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials” edited by J. Pachmán & J. Selesovsky, publ. Pardubice, Czech Republic, University of Pardubice pp. 168-176 (2022)
O’Donnell, M.
Measuring the effect of strain rate on deformation and damage in fibre-reinforced composites: A review
J. Dyn. Behav. Mater. 8 (2022) 178-213 doi: 10.1007/s40870-022-00331-0
Perry, J.I. & Walley, S.M.
Vibration-induced heating of energetic materials: A review
J. Dyn. Behav. Mater. 8 (2022) 162-177 doi: 10.1007/s40870-021-00322-7
Perry, J.I. & Walley, S.M.
Is wood a material? Taking the size effect seriously
Materials 15 (2022) doi: 10.3390/ma15155403
Walley, S.M. & Rogers, S.J.
Fracturing and AE characteristics of matrix-inclusion rock types under dynamic Brazilian testing
Int. J. Rock Mech. Mining Sciences 157 (2022) 105164 doi: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2022.105164
Wang, H.C., Zhao, J., Li, J., Wang, H.J., Braithwaite, C.H. & Zhang, Q.B.
Contributions to dynamic behaviour of materials: Professor John Edwin Field, FRS, 1936-2020
J. Dyn. Behav. Mater. 7 (2021) 353-382 doi: 10.1007/s40870-021-00303-w
Andrews, D.R., Bourne, N.K., Brown, E.N., Dear, J.P., Dickson, P., Freeman, C.J., Goveas, S.G., Gray III, G.T., Hauser, H., Huntley, J.M., Hutchings, I.M., Leighton, T.G., Matthewson, M.J., Meyers, M., Rae, P.J., Siviour, C.R., Swain, M., Townsend, D., van der Zwaag, S., Walley, S.M. & Williamson, D.M.
Use of a shock tube platform in the replication of blast lung injury
EPJ Web Conferences 250 (2021) doi: 10.1051/epjconf/202125001024
Butler, B., Nguyen, T.-T., Williams, A., Tucker, A., Proud, W.G. & Brown, K.A.
Phase field modelling of fracture and fatigue in shape memory alloys
Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng 373 (2021) 113504 doi: 10.1016/j.cma.2020.113504
Simoes, M. & Martínez-Pañeda, E.
John Edwin Field: 20 September 1936 - 21 October 2020
Biographical Memoirs Fellows Royal Society 71 (2021) 145-170 doi: 10.1098.rsbm.2021.0013
Walley, S.M., Proud, W.G. & Leighton, T.G.
Dynamic mechanical properties and fracturing behaviour of concrete under biaxial compression
Construction Building Materials 301 (2021) 124085 doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.124085
Wang, H.C., Zhao, J., Li, J., Liu, K., Braithwaite, C.H. & Zhang, Q.B.
Shock response of polymer-bonded copper powder
Shock Waves 30 (2020) 373-384 doi: 10.1007/s00193-020-00939-y
Anastacio, A.C., Braithwaite, C., Kucera, J., Schmidova, E. & Pachman, J.
An assessment of printing methods for producing two-dimensional lead-free functional pyrotechnic delay-lines for mining applications
Propell. Explos. Pyrotech. 45 (2020) 53-76 doi: 10.1002/prep.201900359
Bell, T.M., Williamson, D.M., Walley, S.M., Morgan, C.G., Kelly, C.L. & Batchelor, L.
Development of tensile SHPB system and properties of AM maraging steel
AIP Conf. Proc. 2272 (2020) 100003 doi: 10.1063/12.0000880
Braithwaite, C., Williamson, D. & Taylor, N.
In memoriam Professor John E. Field, FRS, OBE 1936 to 2020
Propell. Explos. Pyrotech. 45 (2020) 1829 doi: 10.1002/prep.202081231
Cumming, A.S. & Proud, W.G.
Capacitive sensing for measuring detonations
AIP Conf. Proc. 2272 (2020) 060011 doi: 10.1063/12.0000809
Edgeley, J. & Braithwaite, C.
Cocrystallisation studies of FOX-7 (DADNE)
In: “Proc. 23rd Seminar of the New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials” edited by J. Pachmán & J. Selesovsky, publ. Pardubice, Czech Republic, University of Pardubice pp. 103-107 (2020)
Khumsri, A., Williamson, D.M. & Pulham, C.R.
Observation of grain size limited dynamic failure in a typical granite
Int. J. Rock Mech. Mining Sciences 136 (2020) 104496 doi: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2020.104496
Kirk, S.S., Braithwaite, C.H., Jardine, A.P. & Williamson, D.M.
Time limited self-organised criticality in the high rate deformation of fcc metals
Communications Materials 1 (2020) doi: 10.1038/s43246-020-00090-2
Lea, L., Brown, L. & Jardine, A.
Time dependence in the adhesion of viscoelastic materials
AIP Conf. Proc. 2272 (2020) 110007 doi: 10.1063/12.0001129
Lea, L., Ryan, P., Taylor, N. & Williamson, D.
Hierarchical multi-scale models for mechanical response prediction of highly filled elastic-plastic and viscoplastic particulate composites
Comput. Mater. Sci. 181 (2020) 109734 doi: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2020.109734
Li-Mayer, J.Y.S., Lewis, D., Connors, S., Glauser, A., Williamson, D.M., Arora, H. & Charalambides, M.N.
Investigating the evolution of the optical emission spectra of HMX with reaction regime
AIP Conf. Proc. 2272 (2020) 030022 doi: 10.1063/12.0000958
Morley, O.J. & Williamson, D.M.
Pressure and temperature induced red-shift of the sodium D-line during HMX deflagration
Communications Chemistry 3 (2020) doi: 10.1038/s42004-020-0260-y
Morley, O.J. & Williamson, D.M.
Spectral red-shift in deflagration
International Ballistics Society Bulletin 10 (2020) 19-20
Morley, O.J. & Williamson, D.M.
Time-resolved pyrometry for deflagration
In: “Proc. 23rd Seminar of the New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials” edited by J. Pachmán & J. Selesovsky, publ. Pardubice, Czech Republic, University of Pardubice pp. 202-206 (2020)
Morley, O.J., Braund, D. & Williamson, D.M.
Investigating the evolution of the optical emission spectra of HMX with reaction regime
AIP Conf. Proc. 2272 (2020) 030022 doi: 10.1063/12.0000958
Morley, O.J. & Williamson, D.M.
Pressure and temperature induced red-shift of the sodium D-line during HMX deflagration
Communications Chemistry 3 (2020) doi: 10.1038/s42004-020-0260-y
Morley, O.J. & Williamson, D.M.
The Hall-Petch and inverse Hall-Petch relations and the hardness of nanocrystalline metals
J. Mater. Sci. 55 (2020) 2661-2681 doi: 10.1007/s10853-019-04160w
Naik, S.N. & Walley, S.M.
The effects of grain-scale properties on the rapid compaction of sand
AIP Conf. Proc. 2272 (2020) 110009 doi: 10.1063/12.0000938
Perry, J.I., Braithwaite, C.H., Taylor, N.E. & Jardine, A.P.
High strain rate properties of water ice
AIP Conf. Proc. 2272 (2020) 080001 doi: 10.1063/12.0001007
Potter, R., Cammack, J., Pollard, T. & Braithwaite, C.
A study of the compressive mechanical properties of defect-free, porous and sintered water-ice at low and high strain rates
Icarus 351 (2020) 113940 doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2020.113940
Potter, R.S., Cammack, J.M., Braithwaite, C.H., Church, P.D. & Walley, S.M.
Tensile Hopkinson bar analysis of additively manufactured maraging steel
In: “Dynamic Behavior of Materials” edited by L.E. Lamberson, publ. New York, Springer pp. 111-114 doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-30021-0_19 (2020)
Taylor, N.E., Williamson, D.M., Braithwaite, C.H. & Ward, S.J.
The effect of temperature gradients on elastic wave propagation in split Hopkinson pressure bars
J. Dyn. Behav. Mater. 6 (2020) 278-286 doi: 10.1007/s40870-020-00245-9
Walley, S.M.
Highways and byways in the history of high rate mechanical testing
J. Dyn. Behav. Mater. 6 (2020) 113-158 doi: 10.1007/s40870-020-00237-9
Walley, S.M.
A tensile split Hopkinson pressure bar for low impedance materials
AIP Conf. Proc. 2272 (2020) 110017 doi: 10.1063/12.0001056
Williamson, D.M. & Ryan, P.
Review of the validity of the use of artificial specimens for characterizing the mechanical properties of rocks
Rock Mech. Rock Engng 52 (2019) 2949-2961 doi: 10.1007/s00603-019-01787-8
Gell, E.M., Walley, S.M. & Braithwaite, C.H.
High strain rate metal plasticity
In: “Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics” edited by H. Altenbach & A. Öchsner, publ. Berlin, Springer doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-53605-6_219-1 (2019)
Lea, L.J. & Walley, S.M.
Influence of reaction rate on optical emission spectra of HMX
In: “Proc. 22nd Seminar of the New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials” edited by J. Pachmán & J. Selesovsky, publ. Pardubice, Czech Republic, University of Pardubice pp. 177-181 (2019)
Morley, O.J. & Williamson, D.M.
The significance of grain morphology and moisture content on the response of silica sand to ballistic penetration
Appl. Phys. Letts 115 (2019) 084102 doi: 10.1063/1.5114881
Perry, J.I., Braithwaite, C.H., Taylor, N.E. & Jardine, A.P.
Problems associated with making mechanical measurements on water-ice at quasistatic and dynamic strain rates
J. Dyn. Behav. Mater. 5 (2019) 198-211 doi: 10.1007/s40870-019-00202-1
Potter, R.S., Cammack, J.M., Braithwaite, C.H., Church, P.D. & Walley, S.M.
A split Hopkinson pressure bar technique for measuring the stress relaxation behaviour of polymers on microsecond timescales
AIP Conf. Proc. 1979 (2018) 090015 doi: 10.1063/1.5044872
Williamson D.M.
The dynamic ductile fracture of high purity copper
AIP Conf. Proc. 1979 (2018) 070032 doi: 10.1063/1.5044841
Ward S., Braithwaite C. and Jardine A.
The effects of nanostructure upon the dynamic ductile fracture of high purity copper
Procedia Engng 197 (2017) 23-32
Ward S., Braithwaite C. and Jardine A.
The beginnings of the use of iron and steel in heavy armour [broken link; not yet published]
“Metallurgical Design and Industry” ed. B. Kaufman & C.L. Briant, chapter 2, publ. Springer, New York. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-93755-7_2 (2018)
S.M. Walley
Aristotle, projectiles and guns
“Aristotle, projectiles and guns”, http://arxiv.org/abs/1804.00716
S.M. Walley
Temperature and strain rate effects on the mechanical properties of a polymer-bonded explosive
EPJ Special Topics (2018) doi: 10.1140/epjst/e2018-00060-6
S.M. Walley, N.E. Taylor & D.M. Williamson
The origins of the Hopkinson bar technique
“The Kolsky-Hopkinson Bar Machine”, ed. R. Othman, pp. 1-25, publ. Springer, Berlin (2018)
S.M. Walley
High-rate experiments on a nitrocellulose/nitroglycerine propellant
AIP Conf. Proc. 1979 (2018) 100043 doi: 10.1063/1.5044915
Taylor N., Williamson D., Gould P. and Cullis I.
Inertial and frictional effects in dynamic compression testing
“The Kolsky-Hopkinson Bar Machine”, ed. R. Othman, pp. 205-247, publ. Springer, Berlin (2018)
C.R. Siviour & S.M. Walley
Fragmentation and mechanical performance of tailored nickel-aluminum laminate compacts
Mater. Sci. Engng A 727 (2018) 123-132, doi: 0.1016/j.msea.2018.04.027
Marquez A.M., Li Z., Braithwaite C.H., Weihs T.P., Kropusk N.M., Gibbins R.J. and Meyers M.A.
Measuring structural evolution in the dynamic plasticity of fcc metals
AIP Conf. Proc. 1979 (2018) 070032 doi: 10.1063/1.5044841
Lea L. and Jardine A.
Characterising shock propagation through inert beds
AIP Conf. Proc. 1979 (2018) 150014 doi: 10.1063/1.5044970
Edgeley J. and Braithwaite C.
Impact performance of aluminium foams in a direct impact Hopkinson bar
AIP Conf. Proc. 1979 (2018) 110003
Cowie T., Gurnham C.W.A., Braithwaite C.H. and Lea L.
Development of a methodology for component testing under impact loading for space
AIP Conf. Proc. 1979 170001 (2018)
Church P., Mepsted G., Thompson P., Braithwaite C., Taylor N., Perkinson M., Wishart A. and Vijendran S.
Challenges in the characterization of failure and resilience of biological materials
AIP Conf. Proc. 1979 (2018) 090002 doi: 10.1063/1.5044859
Brown K.A., Butler B.J., Sory D., Nguyen T.T.N., Williams A. and Proud W.G.
Shock and release behaviour of silica based granular materials
AIP Conf. Proc. 1979 (2018) 110002 doi: 10.1063/1.5044921
Braithwaite C.H., Perry J.I. and Taylor N.E.
Development of a constitutive model for DPX2 explosive
EPJ Web Conferences 183 (2018) 01059
Church P., Gould P. and Williamson D.
Comparative quasistatic mechanical characterization of fresh and stored porcine trachea specimens
EPJ Special Topics 227 (2018) 55-60 doi: 10.1140/epjst/e2018-00104-5
Butler B.J., Williams A., Tucker A.W., Proud W.G. and Brown K.A.
Tensile properties of additively manufactured maraging steel
EPJ Web Conferences 183 (2018) 01058 doi: 10.1051/epjconf/201818301058
Church P., Reynolds M., Gould P., Oakley R., Harrison N., Williamson D., Braithwaite C. and Taylor N.
Characterisation of high rate plasticity in the uniaxial deformation of high purity copper at elevated temperatures
Int. J. Plast. 102 (2018) 41-52 doi: 10.1016/j.ijplas.2017.11.006
Lea L.J. and Jardine A.P.
Hugoniot equation of state of rock materials under shock compression
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 375 (2017) 20160169
Zhang Q.B., Braithwaite C.H. and Zhao J.
High-speed photography and digital optical measurement techniques for geomaterials: Fundamentals and applications
Rock Mech. Rock Engng 50 (2017) 1611-1659
Xing H.Z., Zhang Q.B., Braithwaite C.H., Pan B. and Zhao J.
Thin films of energetic materials by physical vapor deposition: TATB and LLM-105
AIP Conf. Proc. 1793 (2017) 040002
Williamson D.M., Gymer S., O’Connor C., Hazelwood A. and Jardine A.P.
Constitutive analysis of biomedical grade Co-27Cr-5Mo alloy at high strain rates
Mater. Sci. Engng A 682 (2017) 466-474 doi: 10.1016/j.msea.2016.11.071
Trimble D., Shipley H., Lea L., Jardine A. and O’Donnell G.E.
The influence of strain rate on the prediction of the dynamic viscoplastic response of fcc metals: A review of constitutive models
Prog. Mater. Sci. 88 (2017) 186-231 doi: 10.1016/j.pmatsci.201704.004
Salvado F.C., Teixeira-Dias F., Walley S.M., Lea L.J. and Cardoso B.
The shock and release properties of dry and wetted silica sand
AIP Conf. Proc. 1793 (2017) 120015
Perry J.I., Braithwaite C.H., Taylor N.E. and Jardine A.P.
Review of experimental methods to characterise detonation waves in solid explosives
“Proc. 20th Seminar on New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials” ed. J. Pachmán and J. Selesovsky, pp. 105-111, publ. Institute of Energetic Materials, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic (2017)
Edgeley J., Braithwaite C. and Lee E.
Dynamic fragmentation of Al-W granular rings with different mesostructures
J. Appl. Phys. 121 (2017) 045901
Chiu P-C., Olney K.L., Benson D.J., Braithwaite C.H., Collins A. and Nesterenko V.F.
Characterization of focal muscle compression under impact loading
AIP Conf. Proc. 1793 (2017) 140001
Butler B.J., Sory D.R., Nguyen T.T.N., Proud W.G., Williams A. and Brown K.A.
Shock compression of simulated adobe
AIP Conf. Proc. 1793 (2017) 120011
Braithwaite C.H., Church P.D., Gould P.J., Stewart B. and Jardine A.P.
Crystal indentation hardness
Crystals 7 (2017) doi: 10.3390/cryst7010021
Armstrong R.W., Walley S.M. and Elban W.L.
Rate dependent interfacial properties using the JKR experimental technique
“Challenges in Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials”, pp. 49-54, publ. Springer, New York (2016)
Williamson D.M., Hamilton N.R. and Jardine A.P.
Power laws in dislocation plasticity
Philos. Mag. 96 (2016) 2696-2713 doi: 10.1080/14786435.2016.1211330
Brown, L.M.
Fragmentation and constitutive response of tailored mesostructured aluminum compacts
J. Appl. Phys. 119 (2016) 145903
Marquez A.M., Braithwaite C.H., Weihs T.P., Krywopusk N.M., Gibbins D.J., Vecchio K.S. and Meyers M.A.
Application of photon Doppler velocimetry to direct impact Hopkinson pressure bars
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 (2016) 023101
Lea L.J. and Jardine A.P.
Understanding damage in polymer-bonded explosive composites
J. Mater. Sci. 51 (2016) 668-679
Drodge D.R. and Williamson D.M.
Damage in polymer bonded energetic composites: Effect of loading rate
J. Dyn. Behav. Mater. 2 (2016) 157-165
Boddy R.L., Gould P.J., Jardine A.P. and Willamson D.M.
Development and validation of high strain rate model for water ice
“Proc. 29th Int. Symp. on Ballistics”, ed. C. Woodley and I. Cullis, pp. 1977-1988, publ. Lancaster, PA, DesTech (2016)
Church, P., Lewtas, I., Gould, P., Braithwaite, C. and Jardine, A.
The significance of grain morphology, moisture, and strain rate on the rapid compaction of silica sands
Appl. Phys. Letts 109 (2016) 174103, doi: 10.1063/1.4966178
Perry J.I., Braithwaite C.H., Taylor N.E., Pullen A.D. and Jardine A.P.
Overview of geological materials research at the Cavendish Laboratory
“Rock Dynamics: From Research to Engineering”, ed. H. Li., J. Li., Q. Zhang and J. Zhao, pp. 99-104, publ. Taylor & Francis, London (2016)
Braithwaite C.H., Kirk S.S., Jardine A.P. and Field J.E.
Characterisation of the impact response of energetic materials: observation of a low-level reaction in 2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitropyrazine-1-oxide (LLM-105)
RSC Advances 6 (2016) 27896-27900 doi: 10.1039/C6RA03096C
Williamson D.M., Gymer S., Taylor N.E., Walley S.M., Jardine A.P., Glauser A., French S. and Wortley S.
Physics and Chemistry of Solids
“Maxwell’s Enduring Legacy: A Scientific History of the Cavendish Laboratory”, pp. 381-389, 436-440, 497-502, 553-554, publ. Cambridge University Press (2016)
Longair, M.
Electron microscopy, metal physics, and microstructural physics
“Maxwell’s Enduring Legacy: A Scientific History of the Cavendish Laboratory”, pp. 302-307, 314-315, 371-378, 392, 442-445, 495-497, publ. Cambridge University Press (2016)
Longair, M.
Elastic wave propagation in materials
Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering (2016)
Walley S.M. and Field J.E.
The high strain rate loading of structural biological materials
Metall. Mater. Trans. A 46 (2015) 4559-4566
Proud W.G., Nguyen T.T.N., Bo C., Butler B.J., Boddy R.L., Williams A., Masouros S. and Brown K.A.
The use of glass anvils in drop-weight studies of energetic materials
Propell. Explos. Pyrotech. 40 (2015) 351-365 doi: 10.1002/prep.201500043
Walley S.M., Field J.E., Biers R.A., Proud W.G., Williamson D.M. and Jardine A.P.
High speed thermography measurements on intermetallics
“Proc. 18th Seminar on New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials”, ed. J. Pachman and J. Selesovsky, pp. 93-100, publ. University of Pardubice, Czech Republic (2015)
Braithwaite C.H., Pawelko R., Offret J-P., Pina V., Church P.D., Lewtas I.M., Gould P.J. and Jardine A.P.
High-speed photographic study of laser damage and ablation
Imaging Sci. J. 63 (2015) 119-136
Field J.E., Amer E., Gren P., Zafar M.A. and Walley S.M.
The use of digital speckle radiography to investigate the internal flow fields during the ballistic penetration of sand
“Rapid Penetration into Granular Media: Visualizing the Fundamental Physics of Rapid Earth Penetration” ed. M. Iskander, S. Bless and M. Omidvar, pp. 229-265, publ. Elsevier (2015), doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-800868-3.00007-9
Addiss J.W., Collins A.L., Walley S.M. and Proud W.G.
Development and validation of model for sand
EPJ Web Conferences 94 (2015) 04024
Church P., Ingamells V., Wood A., Gould P., Perry J., Jardine A. and Tyas A.
Two-wave photon Doppler velocimetry measurements in direct impact Hopkinson pressure bar experiments
EPJ Web Conferences 94 (2015) 01063
Lea L.J. and Jardine A.P.
A novel technique for performing symmetric Taylor impact
EPJ Web Conferences 94 (2015) 01029
Walley S.M., Taylor N.E., Williamson D.M. and Jardine A.P.
Diagnostic techniques in deflagration and detonation studies
Chem. Central J. 9 (2015)
Proud W.G., Williamson D.M., Field J.E. and Walley S.M.
Composite nature of fresh skin revealed during compression
Bioinsp. Biomim. Nanobiomater. 4 (2015) 133-139
Butler B.J., Boddy R.L., Bo C., Arora H., Williams A., Proud W.G. and Brown K.A.
Physics of granular systems
“The Oxford Handbook of Soft Condensed Matter”, ed. E. Terentjev & D.A. Weitz, pp. 167-231, publ. Oxford University Press, 2015
Blumenfeld R., Edwards S.F. and Walley S.M.
Behaviour of moist and saturated sand during shock and release
Appl. Phys. Letts 107 (2015) 174102
Perry J.I., Braithwaite C.H., Taylor N.E. and Jardine A.P.
Brief history of the Cambridge STEM aberration correction project and its progeny
Ultramicroscopy 157 (2015) 88-90 doi: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2015.06.006
Brown L.M., Batson P.E., Dellby N. and Krivanek O.L.
Cleaving the Halq-e-noor diamonds: A dynamic fracture analysis
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 373 (2015) 20140270
Atkinson C., Martineau P.M., Khan R.U.A., Field J.E., Fisher D., Davies N.M., Samartseva J.V., Putterman S.J. and Hird J.R.
Major steps in the discovery of adiabatic shear bands
Metall. Mater. Trans. A 46 (2015) 4454-4458
B. Dodd, S.M. Walley, R. Yang, V.F. Nesterenko
Optical diagnostics to study impact initiation mechanisms in modern energetic materials
“Proc. 17th Seminar on New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials”, ed. J. Pachman, J. Selesovsky, and R. Matyas, pp. 243-252, publ. University of Pardubice, Czech Republic (2014)
Williamson D.M., Gymer S., Taylor N.E., Walley S.M., Jardine A.P., Leppard C.L., Wortley S., and Glauser A.
Energetic co-crystals: Structural studies of nitrotriazolone salts and co-crystals
“Proc. 17th Seminar on New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials”, ed. J. Pachman, J. Selesovsky, and R. Matyas, pp. 297-305, publ. University of Pardubice, Czech Republic (2014)
Lloyd H.J., Pulham C.R., Cumming A, Williamson D. and Jardine A.
Application of group interaction modelling to the shock Hugoniots of double-base propellants
“Proc. 17th Seminar on New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials”, ed. J. Pachman, J. Selesovsky, and R. Matyas, pp. 96-102, publ. University of Pardubice, Czech Republic (2014)
Boddy R.L., Taylor N.E., Braithwaite C.H., Williamson D.M., Jardine A.P., Gould P., Cullis I.G. and Johnson R.
A brief reply to comments on: 'Constant intermittent flow of dislocations: central problems in plasticity'
Mater. Sci. Technol. 30 (2014) 127-128 doi: 10.1179/1743284713Y.0000000439
Brown L.M.
A brief response to 'Intermittent plastic flow of single crystals: central problems in plasticity: a review', by M. Niewczas
Mater. Sci. Technol. 30 (2014) 758 doi: 10.1179/1743284713Y.0000000493
Brown L.M.
Expunging diffraction contrast: EELS and HAADF in STEM
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 522 (2014) 012012 doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/522/1/012012
Brown L.M.
Hot spot ignition of explosives and their thermal properties and experimental measurement of the thermal properties of a PBX and its binder system
“Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses”, ed. R.B. Hetnarski, pp. 2293-2306, publ. Springer, Berlin (2014)
Field J.E., Williamson D.M., Walley S.M. and Palmer S.J.P.
Thermodynamic work of adhesion measurements of polymer bonded explosive constituents via the Wilhelmy plate technique and their application to AFM pull-off experiments
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 500 (2014) 112068
Williamson, D.M., Hamilton, N.R., Palmer, S.J.P., Jardine, A.P. and Leppard, C.
Steps towards thin film metal thermistors with microsecond time response for shock temperature measurement of polymers
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 500 (2014) 112061
Taylor, N.E., Williamson, D.M. and Jardine, A.P.
Shock and release behaviour of sand
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 500 (2014) 112049
Perry, J.I., Braithwaite, C.H., Taylor, N.E. and Jardine, A.P.
Shock compression of geological materials
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 500 (2014) 062005
Kirk, S., Braithwaite, C., Williamson, D. and Jardine, A.
Mechanisms of fragmentation and microstructure of debris generated during explosive testing of Al-W granular composite rings
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 500 (2014) 112017
Chiu, P.-H., Olney, K.L., Braithwaite, C., Jardine, A., Collins, A., Benson, D.J. and Nesterenko, V.F.
An introduction to the properties of silica glass in ballistic applications
Strain 50 (2014) 470-500
SM Walley
Comminution limit (CL) of particles and possible implications for pumped storage reservoirs
J. Mater. Sci. 49 (2014) 3780-3784
JE Field, M. Farhat, SM Walley
Brazilian disc experiments on a cold spray material
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 500 (2014) 122002
Braithwaite, C.H., Aydelotte, B. and Jardine, A.P.
Integrated experimental platforms to study blast injuries: A bottom-up approach
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 500 (2014) 102001
Bo, C., Williams, A., Rankin, S., Proud, W.G. and Brown, K.A.
Mechanical and histological characterization of trachea tissue subjected to blast-type pressures
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 500 (2014) 182007
Butler, B.J., Bo, C., Tucker, A.W., Jardine, A.P., Proud, W.G., Williams, A. and Brown, K.A.
Major steps in the discovery of adiabatic shear bands
B. Dodd, S.M. Walley, R. Yang, V.F. Nesterenko
Introduction to the theme issue ‘Shock and Blast: a celebration of the centenary of Bertram Hopkinson’s seminal paper of 1914 (part 1)’
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 372 (2014) 20130220
SM Walley, D Eakins
Major steps in the discovery of adiabatic shear bands
B. Dodd, S.M. Walley, R. Yang, V.F. Nesterenko
Cracks and extrusions caused by persistent slip bands
Philos. Mag. 93 (2013) 3809-3820 doi: 10.1080/14786435.2013.798048
Brown L.M.
Experimental and DFT-D studies of the molecular energetic material RDX
J. Phys. Chem. C 117 8062-8071 (2013)
S. Hunter, T. Sutinen, S.F. Parker, C.A. Morrison, D.M. Williamson, S. Thompson, P.J. Gould, C.R. Pulham
UK force protection engineering programme
Proc. Inst. Civil. Engrs: Engng Comput. Mech. 166 119-123 (2013)
Warren J., Kerr S., Tyas A., Clarke S., Petkovski M., Jardine A., Church P., Gould P. and Williams A.
Blast effects on biological systems
Proc. Inst. Civil. Engrs: Engng Comput. Mech. 166 113-118 (2013)
Masouros S.D., Brown K.A., Clasper J., and Proud W.G.
Investigation of a nickel-aluminium reactive shaped charge liner
J. Appl. Mech. 80, 031701 (2013)
Church P., Claridge R., Ottley P., Lewtas I., Harrison N., Gould P., Braithwaite C. and Williamson D.
Behaviour of sand during release from a shocked state
Appl. Phys. Letts 103, 154103 (2013)
Braithwaite C.H., Perry J.I., Taylor N.E. and Jardine A.P.
Review of the dynamic properties of materials: History, techniques and results
Rock Dynamics and Applications: State of the Art, ed. J. Zhao & J. Li, pp. 3-24, publ. Taylor & Francis, London
Field J.E. and Walley S.M.
A novel energetic material, from theory to practice
Proc. 16th Seminar on New Trends in Research on Energetic Materials, ed. J. Pachman, J. Selesosky, and R. Matyas, pp. 89-103, publ. University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
Braithwaite C.H., Church P.D., Claridge R., Ottley P.R., Lewtas I.M., Harrison N., Gould P.J. and Jardine A.P.
Elastic, plastic, cracking aspects of the hardness of materials
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 27 (2013)
Armstrong R.W., Elban W.L. & Walley S.M.
Coefficient of friction between PBXs and an aluminium substrate
Proc. 16th Seminar on New Trends in Research on Energetic Materials, ed. J. Pachman, J. Selesosky, and R. Matyas, pp. 679-686, publ. University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
Cross A., Hamilton N., Williamson D., Jardine A. and Leppard C.
Understanding the effects of blast on biological systems
Proc. 16th Seminar on New Trends in Research on Energetic Materials, ed. J. Pachman, J. Selesosky, and R. Matyas, pp. 53-66, publ. University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
Bo C., Newell N., Ngoc T-T., Butler B., Wilgeroth J., Balzer J., Masouros S.D., Bill A.M.J., Phillips A.T.M., Jardine A.P., Williams A., Rankin S., Brown K.A. and Proud W.G.
Select older papers
Constant intermittent flow of dislocations: central problems in plasticity
Mater. Sci. Technol. 28 (2012) 1209-1232 doi: 10.1179/174328412X13409726212768
Brown L.M.
Hugoniot of a reactive metal powder mixture
“Proc. 28th Int. Symp. on Shock Waves. Vol. 1”, ed. K. Kontis, pp. 153-158, publ. Berlin, Springer (2012)
Braithwaite, C.H., Chapman, D.J., Church, P.D., Gould, P.J. and Williamson, D.M.
Addendum and correction to 'Historical origins of indentation hardness testing'
Mater. Sci. Technol. <29> 1148
Walley S.M.
Indentation size effect and the Hall-Petch 'law'
Mater. Sci. Forum 662 (2011) 13-26
Brown L.M.
Visualisation of the three-dimensional structure of energetic polymer composite materials
Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2011, ed. M.L. Elert, J.P. Borg, J.L. Jordan and T.J. Vogler, pp.685-688, publ. American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY
A. E. Carmichael, D. M. Williamson, R. Govier and C. Leppard
Improving laser-driven flyer efficiency with high absorptance layers
Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2011 ed. M.L. Elert, J.P. Borg, J.L. Jordan and T.J. Vogler, pp. 315-318, publ. American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY
Brierley H.R., Williamson D.M. and Vine T.A.
The conch shell as a model for tougher composites
Int. J. Mater. Engng Innov. 2 (2011) 149-164
Williamson D.M. and Proud W.G.
Reverse ballistic impact studies of thin plate perforation
Engng Trans. 59 (2011) 161-196
Forde L.C., Proud W.G., Walley S.M., Church P.D. and Cornish R.
Luminescence from hydrodynamic cavitation
Proc. R. Soc. A 467 (2011) 591-606
Farhat M., Chakravarty A. and Field J.E.
The effect of rod nose shape on the internal flow fields during the ballistic penetration of sand
Int. J. Impact Engng 38 (2011) 951-963
Collins A.L., Addiss J.W., Walley S.M., Promratana K., Bobaru F., Proud W.G. and Williamson D.M.
Development of a chamber to investigate high-intensity compression waves upon live cell cultures
Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 55 (2011) 31201
Bo C., Balzer J., Brown K.A., Walley S.M. and Proud W.G.
Application of the slip circle construction to a spherical indenter
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 074001
Czerski H. & Brown L.M.
Triboluminescence from diamond
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 (2007) 1464-1472
Hird J.R., Chakravarty A. and Walton A.J.