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Physics and Chemistry of Solids

Experimental study of dynamic behaviour at short timescales

We are happy to present our new website!

After a few decades as the Fracture & Shock Physics research group (itself one half of the Surfaces, Microstructure & Fracture 'supergroup'), we've decided to resurrect the PCS (Physics and Chemistry of Solids) label.

Our work nowadays is wide ranging, from studying very-high-rate deformation and damage behaviour through to probing the thermomechanical properties of polymers at very low temperatures. We still do plenty of shock physics and 'breaking things for a living', but decided that the broader moniker of PCS better encapsulates the interdisciplinary scope of our expertise and experience.

Indeed our work today builds on decades of world-leading research at the Cavendish Lab, stretching back to Prof Bowden's instigation of the PCS name almost 80 years ago - so it seems only fitting to continue his legacy